Treat baby Eczema
Posted by dear at 9:09 AM 1 comments
Labels: how to, Treat baby Eczema
Baby acne - Symptom and treatment
Symptoms : The possible symptoms may include as
- Fleshy or red pimples occur predominately on the cheeks, but are also quite common on the forehead and chin. Whiteheads are sometimes present.
- Acne looks like pimples which are actually small whiteheads which are surrounded by red, irritated and maybe even inflamed skin. This usually occurs on the baby's cheeks, forehead, chin, and even the back.
- Baby acne is recognized based on the timing and appearance
- Acne occur when the follicles get blocked. Sebum, which normally drains to the surface, gets blocked and bacteria begins to grow.
- Hormonal changes related to pregnancy, birth control pills.
- Babies develop the acne from the maturing effect of mother's hormones and the harmones passed after pregnancy from mother to baby.
- Contact with an oil substances such as petroleum oil or mineral oil can cause baby acne.
- Taking certain medications while nursing or if your baby is taking some medicines may cause acne.
- The acne will be most prominent when the baby is hot or fussyor when the skin is irritated.
- Contact of cloth washed by harsh detergents or wet by baby's saliva or milk makes acne more worse.
- Normal washing is necessary to treat baby acne. Use plain water or mild baby soap and only bathe your baby every 2-3 days. Gently cleanse the face once a day with water, and perhaps mild baby soap.
- Avoid acne medicines used by adolescents and adults.
- Doctors recommends keeping the skin clean.
- Not to use any ointments or creams to treat the acne.
- you should visit a pediatrician,if your baby's skin appears to become even more red or swollen and acne lasts for more than six months.
Prickly heat rash are baby's normal.
Father and mother had noticed that even you will oversee cleaning baby's body less well but why so often prickly heat rash occurs on the body of a baby less easy to criticize. Someone that own heart care less, not because they wear or environmental sanitary housing not allowing the body of a baby less prickly heat rash in the face and body like this? No doubt each other, because we have to answer to deposit.
1. The skin of the baby before 1 year to less subtlety. Only genuine leather cell surface of the epidermis and newborn babies are not flexible, if the skin is healthy it will provoke a small blister or skin rash occurs because the inflammation of skin cells can be easily separated.
2. The operation of the sweat gland and fat gland still does not work as well as adults, causing rash different:
- blister rash caused by sweat gland : Because body surface area of baby has less than adults they need to sweat more than adults to cooling by blood vessels in the body will expand to drive the heat out of the sweat. This is answer that why baby often less regular crowd is over after hot more hands of adults, with body temperatures between 37-37.5 *C. Little notice to see that baby can drink milk, eat food, laughing and that is not sick or illness.
- canker rash caused by fat gland : Usually a normal occurs as baby with less 1 year before the average baby, especially birth to 3 months of age. The fat does not work well but also to work more than normal because motivated by hormones from the mother to be. From womb to remain in the skin cause the inflammation and block.
Area faces,cheek,fold,neck,armpit leg,clamp,upper chest and back plates, especially the head area after eyebrow ear, fat is different clearly than the crust is thick yellow fat bits stuck and will produce. Much of the antique to the new dry again, but will not have scars.
Posted by dear at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Natural baby skin care
Avoiding Nappy Rash
Pimples & Whiteheads
Dry skin
Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema
Prickly Heat Causes Irritated Skin
White Bumps (Milia)
How to baby dry skin treat
- You may want to put a humidifier in your baby's room. Indoor heating or air conditioning can dry out the baby's skin, and a humidifier will put more moisture in the air.
- Give the baby shorter baths. Long, frequent baths remove natural, healthy oils and dry out your baby's skin. If you want to give your baby a bath every day (i.e. because he or she is wearing a diaper and really, that should be cleaned up), make it a short one - 10 minutes or so. Use soap sparingly, and make sure the water is warm but not too hot. This will prevent excessive drying.
Put on moisturizer or baby lotion immediately after the bath to hold in the moisture from the bath. Gentle, unscented lotions are the best for small babies. Thicker moisturizers are more effective, so if your baby's skin is still dry with one moisturizer, try switching to something thicker.
- Make sure that your child is protected from the elements when you go outside. Cold air is one of the worst things for dry skin, so make sure your baby is covered up - wearing a hat, bundled up as much as possible, etc.)
- Itchy red patches on the skin are signs of eczema. If they develop, make sure to pay special attention to those areas and moisturize them vigilantly. If they don't clear up, ask your doctor for suggestions about dealing with eczema.
Baby skin rashes
A Summary Of Some Common Skin Rashes In Babies (By Cecilia Koh)
- Cradle cap is a condition whereby patches of greasy yellow flakes and small pimple-like bumps appear on the scalps of healthy babies. Sometimes it may appear on the eyebrows, ears and other areas where sebaceous glands are located. It can occur in any baby, and appear during the early weeks of life and will clear by the sixth month. Some dermatologists think that high levels of maternal hormones are transmitted to the baby during the final weeks of pregnancy. This makes the sebaceous (oil) glands in the baby's skin hyperactive which trigger overproduction of sebum which not only overstimulates the growth of new skin cells but also binds the old skin cells into flakes and crusts. It often has a mild unpleasant smell and does not cause any discomfort to the baby.
- Heat rash consists of tiny blisters filled with sweat. It forms when the pores become blocked and prevent the sweat glands from releasing the sweat or when heat and humidity exceed the ability of the sweat glands to cool the body. Babies are especially vulnerable because their ability to sweat is not fully developed and they often wear or lie on waterproof materials. It normally develops around the neck, face, armpits and sometimes on the chest and back. Western medication includes applying calamine lotion and antihistamines for severe itching. Sometimes applying a light dusting of corn starch powder may help to relieve the itchiness. Chinese traditional remedy is to bath the baby with boiled dried bitter gourd vine daily for 3 days. It is best to prevent the condition from developing by dressing the baby in light cotton clothes especially in warm or hot weather. Avoid laying the baby on a plastic covered mattress or pad. Do not apply moisturizing cream or lotions or use bath oils for babies under 3 months as these products may clog the pores. Do not over wrap the baby in layers of clothes and swaddling blanket.
- Nappy rash is often due to infrequent nappy change causing irritation from ammonia which is released when bacteria starts breaking down the contents of a dirty nappy. It could be due to an allergy to your washing powder or fabric conditioner if your baby wears cloth diapers or a food/drug allergy especially antibiotics. The genital area, buttocks, groins and sometimes the upper thighs will look red and inflamed. It can be dry or moist and sometimes look pimply. Babies with nappy rash may be very fussy and cries frequently or does not seem bothered at all.
"Prevention is better than treatment" so the best defence against nappy rash is a dry bottom.
- Infantile eczema is an itchy dry scaly rash usually seen on the cheeks or chin, but may show up on the head, trunk, back of arms, or front of legs and is not contagious. It is first noticed at 2 to 5 months of age and is most common in families with history of allergies or asthma. In most cases it will settle down by the time the child reaches school age but for some it may continue to be a life long problem. The frequency and severity of flare ups can be dramatically reduced with careful daily washing using a hypoallergenic soap and applying moisturisers, topical steroids when needed. Avoid trigger factors such as excessive sweating, woollen clothing, soaps and bubble bath. Sometimes it may be necessary to give baby antihistamine if the itch is very intense and is making the baby very irritable.
- Urticaria or hives are red or pink raised areas on the skin that are very itchy and warm to the touch. It may appear on any part of the body and usually last from a few hours to a few days, but can stay for weeks or even months in some cases. Hives are usually caused by food allergies with the most frequent culprits being eggs, shellfish, chocolate, food additives, colouring or preservatives. It can also be due to allergy to certain drugs or in response to contact with animals especially cats or from insect bites.
- Hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a skin rash with flat or raised red spots on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and sometimes on the buttocks. Often the rash will form tiny blisters which look like the chickenpox rash but it does not itch. A day or two later the child may develop sores or blisters on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks. They begin as small red spots on the tongue, gums or mucous membranes which then develop into blisters or sores.
Treatment is to provide relief from fever or pain from the mouth ulcers and give plenty of fluids. There is no immunization for HFMD.
- Thrush or candidiasis is a fungal infection from Candida albicans. It appears as a red bumpy rash in the diaper area and the bumps are sometimes pus-filled. It may be worse in the skin folds and does not respond to diaper cream. Often the primary source of infection is in the mouth which then spreads to the nappy area from the contaminated stools. It normally starts as a couple of white patches on the sides of the mouth and if not treated quickly can spread until the tongue is coated as well. This makes it painful for baby to suckle. The creamy patches look like milk curds and therefore is easily missed. Use a cotton bud to wipe the white patches. If the patches cannot be removed it confirms that the baby has thrush therefore should be taken to the doctor who may prescribe Daktarin gel for the oral thrush and cream for the nappy area. If the infection is severe it may be necessary for the doctor to prescribe Daktacort which has a small amount of steroid in it to speed up the healing process. All feeding equipment must be boiled thoroughly for 10 minutes to prevent recurrence.
How to baby ezema treat
In babies is commonly found on the scalp, face and limbs but can develop anywhere. It isn't contagious, but if it gets infected the bacteria or fungus that can grow may be transmitted.
What Causes Baby Eczema?
For some babies that cause of the eczema may not be known as it may well be an immune response that is aggravated by their environment and as their body learns to adjust to living in the outside world.
For others however, the cause may be due to having contact with an irritant such as the enzymes in washing powder, or exposure to certain allergens.
Home Remedies
Keeping your baby's skin well hydrated may be key to how severe the eczema develops. Making sure that the skin is washed using a mild cleansing agent or simple warm water followed by drying thoroughly an application of a baby moisturiser may help keep the skin protected from drying out and flaking. It is useful to try and find a non-scented and non-coloured baby lotion as sometimes the chemicals and ingredients in these products can act as an irritant.
For some, this may not be sufficient and the eczema may grow more severe regardless. It is important to try and deduce what has caused the eczema. Try using a non-biological washing powder and specially formulated baby soaps or using no soap for a while to rule out whether these are causing the irritation. Likewise, the nature of the fabric may be irritable to baby's skin and soft cotton will be less aggravating than wool or nylon, so careful selection of underclothes is worth considering.
It can be helpful to make sure your baby's bath water is not too hot as this can cause drying of the skin and make flare-ups seem worse that they actually would be. If this is the case, make sure the room in which you are bathing your baby is warm enough to tolerate a cooler bath. There is also some evidence to suggest that your baby's diet may play a role in the development or severity of baby eczema. If you are introducing your baby to a normal diet, make sure you select only one new food type at a time making sure that it is natural and not full of colours and additives.
Alternative Treatments
Massage maybe the perfect way to help your baby relax if they are suffering with eczema. Use a specially formulated product that is safe for baby massage and attend a baby massage class so you can learn the safest ways of massaging your baby. Make sure that baby's skin doesn't become too dry when massaging and always use some form of lotion, oil or lubricant as the contact from your hands on their skin may remove valuable oils from their skin.
Some alternative therapists recommend the use of aloe vera products for baby eczema as it is known to reduce swelling and inflammation but please make sure it is suitable for use on infants and is not too strong for their delicate skin.
Prescription Medicines
Your doctor may be able to recommend certain over-the-counter products for baby eczema which can work very well. These may come as creams, lotions, oils or even products to add to the bath. If however, the eczema is quite severe and beginning to distress your baby, a small amount of steroid cream may be recommended as this will help reduce the irritation and amount of flare-ups your baby experiences.
Baby eczema is quite common and there is every chance that making a few changes in the home will help resolve the problem, or that it will simply disappear over time. When choosing a product for baby eczema, please make sure it is suitable for use on babies.
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Basic Baby Skin Care
Babies have sensitive skin that dries out easily. While some parents like to give the baby a bath every day, most babies, especially younger infants, only need one every few days. In between baths, parents should take care to keep baby's face and bottom very clean. Babies can have tub baths only after the exposed umbilical cord has fallen off, which can take up to a month after birth.Before then, a sponge bath will do.
When to bathe?Ideally, a bath should be given in the morning or at the end of the day before a feeding so afterward the baby can then eat and fall asleep. However, a very hungry baby will be miserable in the tub. If you feed your baby first, wait 15 minutes or so before bathing to avoid spit up. Not all babies like a bath at first. Your relaxed attitude will help a great deal in helping baby enjoy a bath. Babies usually find baths tiring and so may you at first!
Here are some tips to make bath time better for everyone:- NEVER leave an infant alone near a tub or water - not even for a minute!
- Make sure you have all supplies ready before you begin the bath - towel, mild shampoo or soap, cotton balls or wash cloth to clean face.
- Make sure the room is warm enough and the water is not too hot or cold before putting your baby in the tub. Baby's skin burns easily.
- Use a washcloth to gently wipe baby's face and ears. No soap is necessary near the eyes.
- Use only a mild baby shampoo and soap.
- Scrub your baby's scalp with a soft brush and rinse well to avoid cradle cap.
- Lotions are usually not necessary. Do not use talcum powder on your baby.
Baby or neonatal acne
Just what are those little white pimples on your baby's nose and cheeks? Baby acne. It's common for babies to develop acne in the first few weeks of life. Like acne that results later in life, baby acne is caused by a change in hormones prior to delivery. The hormones cause an increase in oil production, which causes the pimples. This condition usually passes by two months. What should parents do? Keep the skin clean but do not disturb the pimples. They will go away on their own. Do not apply acne creams. Rarely, the pimples may get infected. If so, call your pediatrician or health care provider.
Cradle cap
During a baby's first few months of life, he or she will probably develop cradle cap, a skin condition that looks like dirty skin on the scalp. There is nothing you can do to prevent it, but washing the scalp daily with soap and water will clear up most cases. You can also brush the scalp with a soft baby brush or toothbrush. Sometimes rubbing a little mineral oil into the scalp before a shampoo can help. But don't put oil on after the shampoo. Some consider cradle cap to be a form of eczema. If the condition persists or spreads, call your physician.
Heat rash
In hot weather, your baby may develop prickly heat or heat rash. This rash is more common if the infant is overdressed. The rash develops because the baby's pores don't work properly yet. It looks like tiny raised red bumps on a red patch and is most often found around the neck, on the chest and back and on the scalp. There is no need for any action on your part, although a cool bath and comfortable clothing may help the baby be more comfortable.
Babies have sensitive skin and should not be left in the sun too long, even if they are wearing sunscreen. Infants younger than six months of age should NOT be exposed to direct sunlight. Hats and sunglasses and light, loose clothing will help protect your baby from the sun. Sunburn causes pain and may increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. Limit exposure between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunscreens may be used after six months of age. Those containing zinc oxide or titanium oxide are good choices.
Treating sunburn
If your baby does have sunburn, you may want to call your doctor just in case. A cool (not cold) bath or a cool cloth placed on the skin may help. Make sure the baby drinks lots of fluids. If you see blisters or your infant appears listless, the condition may be more serious and require immediate medical attention.
Umbilical cord care
Until the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off sometime between one and three weeks after childbirth, regular cleaning of the area will prevent infection. Each time you change your baby's diaper, also clean around the umbilical cord. Take a clean cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol and clean all around the cord. This won't hurt the baby, but he or she may jump a bit from the cold alcohol. You should lift up the cord to clean underneath. Eventually, when the cord falls off, you may notice one spot of blood where it had been. This is normal and should not cause concern.
Most cords fall off easily. However, if you notice a foul smell near the cord, or if there is blood coming from the cord, call your doctor or health care provider.
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What you baby's skin and rashes
Common Rashes in Newborns
- Picture of Baby Acne Pink pimples ("neonatal acne") are often caused by exposure in the womb to maternal hormones. No treatment is needed, just time. They can last for weeks or even months on baby's skin.
- Erythema toxicum is another common newborn rash that looks like mosquito bites or hives. Its cause is unknown, and it resolves without treatment after a few days or weeks.
- Dry, peeling skin is often due to a baby being born a little late. The underlying skin is perfectly normal, soft, and moist.
- Picture of White Bumps (Milia) Little white bumps on the nose and face ("milia") are caused by blocked oil glands. When baby's oil glands enlarge and open up in a few days or weeks, the white bumps disappear.
- Salmon patches (called a "stork bite" at the back of the neck or an "angel's kiss" between the eyes) are simple nests of blood vessels (probably caused by maternal hormones) that fade on their own after a few weeks or months. Occasionally stork bites never go away.
- Jaundice is a yellow coloration to your baby's skin and eyes. It is caused by an excess of bilirubin (a breakdown product of red blood cells).
o If the bilirubin level becomes sufficiently high, blue or white lights may be focused on the baby's skin to lower the level, because excess bilirubin can sometimes pose a health hazard. - Picture of Mongolian Spots Mongolian spots are very common in any part of the body of dark-skinned babies. They are flat, gray-blue in color (almost looking like a bruise), and can be small or large. They are caused by some pigment that didn't make it to the top layer when baby's skin was being formed. They are harmless and usually fade away by school age.
After the first few days or weeks (or even months), new rashes can appear.
- Cradle cap ("seborrhea") often shows up at 1-2 months of age. Greasy, yellowish crusts appear on the scalp (due to excess oil), and can include a red, irritating rash on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, and even in the armpits. Your pediatrician will tell you how to best treat this common condition, depending on your baby's symptoms.
- Eczema is red, itchy patches on the skin, often seen on baby's chest, arms, legs, face, elbows, and behind the knees. It is caused by dry, sensitive skin, and sometimes allergies (although it can be difficult at this age to know what the allergen might be).Your pediatrician can determine if the rash looks like eczema and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In general, treatment consists of:o Using a very gentle soap
o Using a gentle detergent and no fabric softener in baby's laundry - o Applying a steroid cream (like hydrocortisone or even a stronger one) if the eczema just won't go away.
- Prickly heat presents as small red bumps, mostly on areas of your baby's body that tend to overheat and sweat, like the neck, diaper area, and armpits. The treatment is to try to keep the area dry and avoid overheating by wearing loose-fitting clothing.
- A yeast ("monilia") infection can show up in different ways on your baby. On the tongue, it is called thrush and looks like dried milk which, unlike milk, cannot be scraped off. In the diaper area, yeast looks like an intense red rash, often with smaller bumps around the edges ("satellites"). Yeast loves moist, dark areas, so you'll find redness due to it in the creases of the thighs (unlike an irritation rash in which the creases are spared from the rash).Yeast is treated with anti-yeast liquid medicine (for thrush) or anti-fungal cream (for the diaper area), or both.
Tips for Concerned Parents
In the first few months of a baby's life, any rash associated with other symptoms (such as fever, poor feeding, lethargy, cough) needs to be evaluated by a pediatrician as soon as possible.
When to Worry About Baby's Rash
While most rashes are not serious, a few need very close attention:
- Fluid-filled blisters (especially ones with opaque, yellowish fluid) can indicate a serious infection, like a bacterial infection or herpes.
- Small red or purplish dots over the body ("petechiae") can be caused by a viral infection or a potentially very serious bacterial infection. These will not lighten with pressure. Any infant with possible petechiae should be evaluated by a pediatrician as soon as possible.
Know About Baby Skin
Posted by dear at 6:58 AM 0 comments