There are various types of eczema, with a little different causes and symptoms. Most are linked to allergies or contact with irritants. Some are associated with underlying medical conditions that cause fluid retention in the legs.
Contact dermatitis - When irritants touch the skin, pu produce two types of contact dermatitis. Direct irritant contact dermatitis irritation of the skin. The problem is called allergic contact dermatitis, occurs when an allergic reaction in the skin. Irritant contact dermatitis can be caused by prolonged contact with mild irritants such as bubble bath, soap, sweat, saliva, urine and even water. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs only in people who have an allergy to a specific substance. Each year, about 70 percent of people in the United States are affected by some form of skin allergy. Allergens most common poison ivy, poison ivy and sumac. Other common substances that trigger skin allergies include construction materials used to build homes and offices, cleaning products, deodorants, cosmetics and medicines. Dermatitis of the earlobes can be caused by an allergy to earrings containing nickel. Chemicals in perfumes, creams and lotions, shampoos and shoes or clothing can also cause allergic reactions.
Eczema Varicose - Varicose eczema affects the lower legs of those who through their years of delay, caused by poor circulation. Commonly the skin around the ankles affected, becoming speckled, itchy and inflamed. Treatment with emollients and steroid creams. If untreated, the skin can break, causing ulcers.
Discoid eczema - Discoid eczema affects the arms and legs, usually in middle-men et. Eczema occurs in numerous round patches. It is usually found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin shaped areas of red skin, usually on the trunk or lower legs. Fluids, and can cry become itchy. Usually discoid eczema treated with emollients (and steroid creams if necessary).
Hand eczema - This form of chronic eczema confined to the hands. You can be related to atopic eczema or may occur due to hand washing or repeated exposure to harsh detergents. Occasionally, hand eczema caused by an allergy, like an allergy to latex.
Nummular eczema - This type of eczema cause, coin-sized patches of irritated skin, usually on the legs, arms and chest. Usually occurs in adults. You can be related to atopic dermatitis and, less often, allergic contact dermatitis. In some cases, it is an allergic reaction to a fungal infection such as athlete's foot. In this case, nummular eczema still appears typically on arms, legs or chest, even if the fungal infection in other parts of the body.
Asteatotic Eczema - Eczema dry skin causing fine cracks in the skin, usually first involving the lower legs, where there are fewer oil glands. Commonly occurs in elderly patients, especially during the winter months spent at home in an environment with low humidity.
Stasis dermatitis - This type of eczema occurs on the calves, ankles and feet in people who have varicose veins or other conditions that lead to poor blood circulation in lower legs. Leg swelling leads to itching, fine red bumps, skin darkening and, sometimes, ankle sores.
Chronicus Lichen simplex - This form of eczema as a reaction to repeatedly scratching or rubbing more skin in one place. A nervous tic scratching the skin can lead to thickened, discolored skin on the wrist, ankle, groin or back of the neck. Picking the skin can lead to mild shock-like areas of the same type of rash called prurigo nodularis.
Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) - Some doctors believe they are a type of eczema, seborrhea, even if it creates a greasier rash that usual for the conditions of eczema. This scaly dermatitis commonly appears on the scalp as "cradle cap" in children or adults dandruff. It usually affects the face or neck around the nose and the line of the scalp. Probably triggered by the skin fungus Pityrosporum ovale.