Natural way to treat baby acne

Monday, September 7, 2009

Babies are changing rapidly and most skin problems cure themselves with time.
Acne is no different. It is usually best to leave it alone.
However, there are things you can do to maintain healthy skin and make it more comfortable for baby...

1. Use natural baby products on skin and clothing. If acne persists on baby's body, you may consider organic baby clothes and bedding. These are free of skin irritating chemicals and dyes.

2. Clean face and neck with water from spilled milk or saliva. Blot, rinse and pat rather than rub baby's skin.

3. Don't use lotions with heavy oils or petroleum products on baby's skin. These suffocate skin and may cause more problems.

Instead, find organic lotions with light oils such as jojoba or olive oils. These moisturize without clogging pores.

4. Don't try to over-cleanse baby.

Acne is not a result of a dirty face. Stripping skin with strong cleansers is very damaging. Use mild soaps that are free of sodium lauryl sulfate , alcohol and other drying ingredients. Water is usually sufficient for a very young baby.

5. Rough fabrics and fragranced detergents on clothes and blankets can aggravate acne.

6. Never try to squeeze or extract a cyst of any kind on a baby. This can lead to scarring and infection!

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Clear up your baby acne

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Baby acne or acne neonatorum is a common condition, mainly found to affect infant boy children 4-6 months older children. commonly a few weeks after birth and cheeks, but can also be viewed on the chin, forehead and back. Mainly it is a reaction of the skin of a child to a relative imbalance of male (androgens) and female (estrogens), hormone system in children following the withdrawal of maternal estrogens after delivery. This not a form of acne scaring and requires only one thing for the dryness and itching. Since the child does not production of these hormone levels, once the breastfeeding and have done outside the system, the desire to clarify acne.

Baby acne evident when the baby hot or fussy, or when the irritation of the skin. Oils and lotions do not help, and can actually aggravate baby acne. Parents are often invited to apply a little over the counter medicine, such as hydrocortisone cream for baby acne, but a solution of colloidal silver ions remedy a lot more and generally secure, efficient, why kills the bacteria that live excess oil, as well as stop the itching! Ion colloidal silver safe acne treatment reduces the swelling infection eliminates the itching and sores promotes growth and healthy skin.

Your pediatrician for the most part does not require treatment unless severe acne and clear, lasting continuously for 3 months. You should never apply any type of acne products and treatments for acne baby, like you could have a negative reaction or develop an allergy to do for the harsh chemicals that some of these products contain.

Should keep in mind that washing your baby face too, or roughly irritate acne and make it dryer and go out more. It best to use a mild cleanser for babies and dry. Many of the creams you can use your baby leather add to the problem as well. Try products like Baby Aveno, are hyper-allergenic and help with dry, remember to use sparingly and apply gently. Even putting mittens on your baby will help to keep them from scratch when they itch.

Even if the child looks bad acne and as a parent hard to see your baby in this way, remember that it doesn't ill and clarify.

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Infomation for type of eczema

There are various types of eczema, with a little different causes and symptoms. Most are linked to allergies or contact with irritants. Some are associated with underlying medical conditions that cause fluid retention in the legs.

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) - This type of eczema comes and goes the time, and usually occurs in people who have a genetic (hereditary) tendency to have allergies. In about 70 percent of cases, either the patient or a family member has allergic asthma, hay fever or food allergies. Atopic eczema appears early in life, usually in children between 2 months and 18 months of ET. In children, atopic eczema primarily affects the face, neck, ears and trunk. It also appears on the tops of the feet or on the outer surface of the elbow. Atopic eczema in children more children, adolescents and adults, where the time the skin inside the creases of the curve toward the inside of the elbow, knee, ankle, or joints of the wrist, hands, or the upper eyelid.

Contact dermatitis - When irritants touch the skin, pu produce two types of contact dermatitis. Direct irritant contact dermatitis irritation of the skin. The problem is called allergic contact dermatitis, occurs when an allergic reaction in the skin. Irritant contact dermatitis can be caused by prolonged contact with mild irritants such as bubble bath, soap, sweat, saliva, urine and even water. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs only in people who have an allergy to a specific substance. Each year, about 70 percent of people in the United States are affected by some form of skin allergy. Allergens most common poison ivy, poison ivy and sumac. Other common substances that trigger skin allergies include construction materials used to build homes and offices, cleaning products, deodorants, cosmetics and medicines. Dermatitis of the earlobes can be caused by an allergy to earrings containing nickel. Chemicals in perfumes, creams and lotions, shampoos and shoes or clothing can also cause allergic reactions.

Eczema Varicose - Varicose eczema affects the lower legs of those who through their years of delay, caused by poor circulation. Commonly the skin around the ankles affected, becoming speckled, itchy and inflamed. Treatment with emollients and steroid creams. If untreated, the skin can break, causing ulcers.

Discoid eczema - Discoid eczema affects the arms and legs, usually in middle-men et. Eczema occurs in numerous round patches. It is usually found in adults and appears suddenly as a few coin shaped areas of red skin, usually on the trunk or lower legs. Fluids, and can cry become itchy. Usually discoid eczema treated with emollients (and steroid creams if necessary).

Hand eczema - This form of chronic eczema confined to the hands. You can be related to atopic eczema or may occur due to hand washing or repeated exposure to harsh detergents. Occasionally, hand eczema caused by an allergy, like an allergy to latex.

Nummular eczema - This type of eczema cause, coin-sized patches of irritated skin, usually on the legs, arms and chest. Usually occurs in adults. You can be related to atopic dermatitis and, less often, allergic contact dermatitis. In some cases, it is an allergic reaction to a fungal infection such as athlete's foot. In this case, nummular eczema still appears typically on arms, legs or chest, even if the fungal infection in other parts of the body.

Asteatotic Eczema - Eczema dry skin causing fine cracks in the skin, usually first involving the lower legs, where there are fewer oil glands. Commonly occurs in elderly patients, especially during the winter months spent at home in an environment with low humidity.

Stasis dermatitis - This type of eczema occurs on the calves, ankles and feet in people who have varicose veins or other conditions that lead to poor blood circulation in lower legs. Leg swelling leads to itching, fine red bumps, skin darkening and, sometimes, ankle sores.

Chronicus Lichen simplex - This form of eczema as a reaction to repeatedly scratching or rubbing more skin in one place. A nervous tic scratching the skin can lead to thickened, discolored skin on the wrist, ankle, groin or back of the neck. Picking the skin can lead to mild shock-like areas of the same type of rash called prurigo nodularis.

Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) - Some doctors believe they are a type of eczema, seborrhea, even if it creates a greasier rash that usual for the conditions of eczema. This scaly dermatitis commonly appears on the scalp as "cradle cap" in children or adults dandruff. It usually affects the face or neck around the nose and the line of the scalp. Probably triggered by the skin fungus Pityrosporum ovale.

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What is Eczema?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Finding the answer to us what eczema was the first step that we had in our journey of discovery that we hoped would help us all, especially to alleviate the suffering of our daughter. it was incredibly shocking to see someone you love so much pain from something that simply have no control.

Initially we thought only of a cure eczema, where we found something that would take the pain and suffering forever. Perhaps a tablet or a special cream to stop the itching, scratches, infections and give my normality daughter.

This was not the case of eczema, as we discovered, eczema can be controlled but not cured. Generally speaking eczema tends to be a genetic disease passed from parents to their children, so if the 'eczema gene' can be removed, the possibility not to transmit eczema in children limited.

While we were disappointed to learn this, we took comfort in knowing that at least eczema pu not be controlled was the end of the world. Just because could not be cured does not mean that everyone, then he was lost, there are ways to overcome the problems we were facing and that they were not going to be solved overnight.

I think this is the first important step or treat those suffering with eczema need to realize that the eczema still an unknown and even some of our more brains l outside, who have researched extensively in eczema are still many years trying to treat eczema.

This does not mean that everything lost, such as eczema can be controlled, as we did with our daughter's eczema. This gave us comfort and restbite from traumatic experiences to address the pain and suffering endured by our child.

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