Acne in babies - My baby has pimples? | Baby Acne Treat & Health

Acne in babies - My baby has pimples?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Acne in the newborn (also known as acne neonatorum) or baby is a common condition affecting approximately 20 percent of newborn babies. Infants usually develop neonatal acne because of stimulation of the baby's sebaceous glands by maternal hormones prolonged confinement. These hormones cross the placenta and after delivery they cause the glands hormonal on the skin, bumps that resemble buttons. To your dismay, the beautiful face of your newborn is full of red pimples on the cheeks, forehead and chin.

The baby acne typically follows a template:

• The baby boys are more often affected than girls
• The most common types of acne in young children are papules and pustules. The Papules are small red bumps rounded full amount of the skin similar to a red button. Pustules or whiteheads are a small bump on the skin.
Most babies develop acne dsur face, including cheeks and sometimes on the scalp. Most lesions that develop spontaneously resolved within a time period of four months, and most newborn babies will not need treatment to clear their acne. Gently clean your face at least once daily with water and mild soap for baby.

Be careful, you can aggravate the condition with the use of lotions. Baby acne will disappear spontaneously within a few weeks.

Family history of acne do not suggest that your baby develops acne after birth. In addition, if the baby develops acne after birth, this does not mean that will once adolescent or adult.Acne or new-born baby is different but often confused with two other condition called "milia and acne child that we will discuss in the next sections.


Acne and Milia Miliaria is rarely present at birth. It develops during the first weeks of life. It is associated with heating by an incubator baby, clothing, or fever. The Milia usually appear as white bumps on the surface of skin spread over the face and scalp.

No specific treatment is necessary. The resolutions of acne can be improved with measures like reducing sweating, clothing and hot baths least.

Infant acne

The infant acne refers to acne that develops three months old or later. It is a state separated from the newborn acne or baby acne, which occurs shortly after the baby is born.

Acne usually results from the infant present prolonged maternal hormones, like newborn acne or baby acne. The infant acne is more serious than acne or newborn baby. Typically babies with infantile acne develops yellow papules on the face, usually on the nose and cheeks.

The good news is that this type of acne usually disappears spontaneously after approximately 12 months of age. This type of acne is largely dependent on genetics. Just as during puberty, the level of testosterone in your child changes in part because of their genetics.

As neonatal acne or baby acne, usually no treatment is necessary to help relieve acne infant. In all cases, the best is to come into contact with a pediatrician.

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maddy said...

nice article. thanks for the information

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